Monday, April 28, 2008

Grandma and Grandpa's first babysitting job!

Aiden came and stayed the afteroon with us today, while Robin went to the doctor's office. Such an easy baby to care for. Aiden and I laid on my bed and cooed and talk to each other. He smiles alot now and tries to tell you all about it! Check out the "Boppy pillow" he is laying on. Ingenious invention, wish I would have had one when my boys were babys. Then he slept for a little while. When he woke up he was hungry and he took the bottle that Robin left, no problem. Grandpa came home and they laid together on the bed and talked up a storm to each other! He is in another outfit when Grandpa came home as I had to change him and even though I raised 2 boys I forgot to cover up that "whizzer" and it went off! I get to keep him pretty much all day this Saturday as Justin and Robin are moving.

This is a pack-play. I got it for $25.00 at a cosignment store.
Really cool as it is a bassinet when they are young and a
Playpen when older. It folds down too!

Whole fist in mouth!

1-2 punch out!

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Cute. It is amazing how fast they grow!
