Saturday, December 13, 2008

So Proud!

Phillip graduated last night from the University of North Carolina Wilmington. Ted and I are so proud! Once there was a scrawny little guy running around, always acting up in school! Now he has graduated from college! It was a very nice intimate graduation ceremony for his college, Health and Applied Science. We got to met Dr. John Bennett, whom helped guide and inspire Phillip. I think he was just as proud as we were. Dr. Bennett surfs with Phillip @ Wrightsville Beach. Afterwards we went to Olympia Resturant ,( Phillip has worked here off an on throughout his college career), and had a wonderful dinner. Charles, Phillip's best friend from high school, was our waiter, and later Vale, Phillip's room mate joined us. Now that he has graduated, Phillip will subsitiute teach and expand his boat detailing business in Wrightsville Beach, which has done very good for the first year. He would like to return next fall to the school, that he student taught at in Wilmington. Either as a Phys. Ed. Teacher or a Spanish Teacher. He does has other schools interested in him as a Spanish Teacher. I know that he would like to stay in the Elementary school level. He likes teaching the younger kids. Time will tell, but wherever he teaches in will be in Southeastern North Carolina, close to the ocean so that he can surf! So Proud!

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