Monday, November 10, 2008

Busy Fall

This fall has been so pretty and very busy. In October I flew to Florida to celebrate my 50 YEAR OLD Friend's birthday. What a blast! We rented a house on New Symrna Beach with 4 apartments. A bunch of Kat's friends and family were there. The 50 year old spent most of the weekend crying!! There were friends that we had not seen for 20 years there. Lots of memories were made and we partied all weekend!
Queen Kat, and yes she wore the tiarra all weekend!

Janie's quilt from swatches of Mom's clothes, beautiful!

The Captain Morgan Greeting, and Nora Bay and Kimmie.

Heading Home

Of course you have to celebrate Halloween and go Trick or Treating! On Friday 10/31/08, Robin, Aiden , Kerri(Robin's sister) and her son Bladen and their Mom, Jeannie came over to Friendly Acres to Trick or Treat. Adien was a Pumpkin, and Bladen was a Mechanic! Robin was "Elivira"!

Ted and I just returned from a trip to Ohio. Ted goes around this time every year to Bow Hunt deer around my sisters house in southeastern Ohio. I went with him this year and hung out with my sister. The fall colors were amazing. I do not think that I have seen colors like that for 15-20 years.

Jen Rae Snoozin!

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